I remember the moment, eight years and five months ago, when I had the idea to make a film about my father. I was laying in the bottom of a canoe, drifting in Higgins Pond, near the ruin of what had been our summer home. I had come […]

I remember the moment, eight years and five months ago, when I had the idea to make a film about my father. I was laying in the bottom of a canoe, drifting in Higgins Pond, near the ruin of what had been our summer home. I had come […]
It has been a whirlwind week in New York where I went to promote The Restless Hungarian at a conference of the Jewish Book Council. (Read their review here) One is invited to do a carefully rehearsed, two–minute pitch to curators for Jewish Community Centers, synagogues, and other organizations around the country. Think two-minute Ted Talk. I had […]
Since publication day, I’ve been flagrantly neglecting this blog and the concomitant social media dispatches. I have been distracted by Spring here in the foothills of the Sierras. Our twenty acres of rolling land has been carpeted by flowers, and each day, on our walks, Sharon and I discover new blossoms. The first to come […]
Goodreads reviews for The The Restless Hungarian Reviews from Goodreads.com
The Restless Hungarian was published this week. The official pub date was April 16. The date arrived with letters of congratulations from my publisher and publicist, a review in BookTrib under the catchy headline: Son Unpacks Dad’s Secrets and a flurry of breathless book blogger notices. I also got the news that The New York […]
I can see the light at the end of the passage, but as the April 16th publication date of The Restless Hungarian gets closer I am filled with conflicting emotions. I have lived a long time with the characters in my book, and though they were once living breathing people on the planet, they were […]
THE RESTLESS HUNGARIAN book is being launched After an epic journey of five years across three continents The Restless Hungarian is being published by Spark Press. The book can be purchased in print and ebook from major online booksellers (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google, Powells Books, Indiebound) and select independent bookstores. The audiobook, read […]