The blog began in 2014 as a way to chronicle the creative adventure of researching, writing, directing, and producing both the book and the film of The Restless Hungarian. The first posts and short videos describe Paul Weidlinger’s childhood and its historical context. Filmmakers always lament that so much interesting material winds up on the cutting room floor, and that they have to leave out narrative explorations, pithy observations, and treasured evocations that do not move the narrative forward. Fortunately I found that some of this material could be used in a different medium as a way of sharing the road I have traveled.
The blog also includes pieces on the technical aspects of filmmaking, working with crew and actors, editing, translation, and work-in-progress screenings.
Over time it has expanded to include eclectic musings on architecture, memory, interstitial time, abundance, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
You will also find short videos My Father’s House, The Stream, as well as two full-length documentary films, Facing Racism and After the Velvet Revolution, that have aired nationally on public television.
The blog includes more than 60 posts. Comments are strongly valued and encouraged. Tell your friends. Enjoy.