“There is an old story of how the cathedral of Chartres was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Then thousands of people came from all points of the compass, like a giant procession of ants, and together they began to rebuild the cathedral on its old site. They worked until the […]
Category: Design
Paul Weidlinger died of a stroke at eighty-five. At sixty-five I have been having intimations of mortality. I wrote about the passing of our dear friend, David, quite unexpectedly three weeks ago. His brain bleed started with a slight headache, nothing he thought he should be worried about until it was too late. I thought […]
In Praise of Copyediting
Some of you may have noticed that my posts are not impeccable. You may have found a typo here and there. Some short-circuit in my brain causes me to often mix up the words “you” and “your,” as well as “and” and “an.” Maybe it is genetic. My father, when he was enrolled in school […]
My Father’s House
Imagine returning to the place of your childhood and, half a century later, finding it completely unchanged; the land, the house, the furniture, the light and the smells. Such was my experience in the summer of 2014, when I had just started working on the Restless Hungarian book and film. I had been given a […]